

Welcome to my blog! I am Lucia, and I would like to share my passion for the World with you.

A fabulous sunrise on the Grand Canyon

A fabulous sunrise on the Grand Canyon

How can I describe the sunrise over the Grand Canyon. It's an unspeakable emotion. There is no expression, description, photo or video that can convey to you the feeling of reverence and wonder that this place impresses in your mind at first sight. At dawn, you can only feel its presence. A huge dark space unfolds before your eyes, and you feel the emotion that a child would feel unwrapping a gift: impatience, excitement, and then amazement.

Amazement at the immensity of what slowly begins to reveal. The first rays of the sun tear the view, the silhouettes of the most distant massifs are drawn against the horizon, and slowly the play of light and shadow begins to reveal the lines, still blurred, of the complex set of rocks, pinnacles, plateaus, valleys and vegetation that articulates the bottom of the canyon.

Other words would be superfluous. Go in person to see this natural monument, and then the meaningless set of adjectives I have listed will begin to make sense. We watched the sunrise from Hopi Point. A shuttle bus crosses the park an hour before dawn, and connects the various observation points. 

Hopi Point is relatively little frequented, as it is one of the furthest from the visitor center. This means that you will have a front row space to simply watch the sunrise in the silence of the morning, or to set up your tripod and capture this spectacle, if you ever can!

North Rim: look at the Grand Canyon from a different perspective

North Rim: look at the Grand Canyon from a different perspective

National Parks Guide: make the most of your visit

National Parks Guide: make the most of your visit