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3 hiking routes through Bryce Canyon

3 hiking routes through Bryce Canyon

From the top of the plateau that reaches Bryce, you can admire a beautiful view of the brick-colored valley, jagged by pinnacles and stratified rock formations, highlighted by some dusting of snow-white rock. The immensity of this landscape, like a surreal foreign planet, can be seen from the edges of the plateau, but you have to creep into the narrow canyons, cross the wide rocky valleys, or the winding paths that climb up the slopes, to catch every facet.

We have chosen 3 routes, short and longer, to explore different areas of the canyon. With the exception of the Navajo Loop, which is so carved into the rock that it is constantly shady, the others are very exposed, and on hot summer or autumn days, the advice is to take them at first light in the morning to avoid the hottest hours.


2.2 km to close the ring | approx. 30 min. | Easy, with some uphill sections

It starts at Sunset Point, next to Thor's Hammer, the iconic turret that soars in front of the viewing platform. It's a short and easy trail, really made for all levels of training, and you'll have no excuse not to tackle it.

In about half an hour, you easily descend the winding dirt road that reaches the bottom of a canyon with high walls, you proceed among pine trees that stand out on the pinkish rock, through Wall Street, a gorge with high walls from which you can see only a little bit of sky, and then you go back up again to the starting point starting to climb above the rocky turrets.


2.9 km to close the ring | approx. 40 min | Easy, with some uphill sections

This route connects the two viewpoints of sunrise and sunset within the canyon. It's another little tiring trail, which takes about 40 minutes to walk, mostly in the shade. Part of the trail coincides with one of the two sections of the Navajo Loop.


12.9 km | approx. 3 h | Moderate, for trained persons

The most scenic of the three routes, and given its length, even the least frequented. We have been alone most of the time, and were able to appreciate more closely the particular rock formations of the canyon. It is mostly exposed to the sun and strong winds in some parts. It also makes a ring, which begins and ends just beyond Sunrise Point. Definitely our favorite.

There is a parking lot at the beginning of the trail, near North Campground Bryce.

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Moab: camping in the desert

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