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Photographic workshop in Yellowstone

Photographic workshop in Yellowstone

Having understood the potential of this Park during our research and the planning of our trip, we decided that it might be worth investing in our passion for photography and taking part in a photographic workshop to learn more about landscape and animal photography.

We searched for a long time, and in Yellowstone there are several photographers or associations that offer this possibility. Despite the unattractive website, and although we didn't know the name of this photographer, we chose Tom Murphy. It only took a few photos on his site (which contains a huge collection of portraits of animals and landscapes of Yellowstone) to get us excited, and when we realized that we had chosen, even a little naively, the best connoisseur of Yellowstone, we looked forward to spending a day with him.

We spent the day, from 5am to sunset, together. We crossed Yellowstone far and wide, he took us to his favorite places, to those less frequented, and more than a photography course, it was a live documentary.

Tom knows palm to palm this park, where he's been photographing for 40 years. The visitor centres are full of his photos, his books, his animal calendars. We talked about the history of this park, he gave us botanical details about the flora, notions of ethology. We have listened to the stories of his adventures, from close encounters with grizzlies, to winter crossings of the park, with skis, for weeks.

We were so fascinated by his stories, that almost photography took second place. Except that every picture taken by him or guided by him simply had something extra. He assisted us in the photographic technique, he gave us advice on how to capture the essence of animals during photography, on shots, on light, on subjects. We used his photographic tools and shared a lunch prepared by his wife. We had the pleasure to meet an exceptional person, as well as a good photographer, and he certainly made us explore Yellowstone with a different eye and attention.

The price of the workshop is $500 per person. Considerable, I know, but unfortunately only slightly more than the normal cost of a photo workshop. If you consider then that it is practically a private lesson, which includes an expert guide of the park at your disposal all day long, it is not that expensive. We absolutely recommend it!

Tom Murphy Photography Website

This content is NOT SPONSORED, but  based on my genuine personal experience. Spontaneous opinions, positive and negative, shareable or not, that I hope will help to live better travel experiences. My advice is a guide to lead you through world explorations, but the real journey, you build it!

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