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Copenaghen for Foodies

Copenaghen for Foodies

Maybe with the penetrating cold, a hot meal is the ideal solution to find comfort in the winter days. It may be that in the early darkness of winter or with the everlasting light of summer, being in front of a meal in a welcoming place is a way to break the monotony of the evening. Maybe it's because the Danes have developed a particularly strong culture of home and conviviality and typically a good meal puts everyone in a good mood.

Denmark is unexpectedly considered the home of good food, the cradle of a new high-end culinary trend and in the last decade has seen the appearance of cutting-edge cafes, culinary boutiques and as many as 27 Michelin-starred restaurants.

Incredible but true. And though we haven't had the pleasure of sitting in one of the famous New Nordic starred restaurants, we can confirm the reputation this corner of Europe has earned with some gastronomic advice, from the chicest restaurants to the simplest but most delicious cafes.


Cafè | diner / €€ / Vesterbro

Impossible to pronounce, Smørrebrød is the prince of Danish cuisine, the hot or cold meal par excellence. It is a slice of rye bread crowned with all sorts of accompaniments and combinations, from eggs to salmon, from avocado to Jerusalem artichokes, from chicken with asparagus to potatoes with bacon. And this small coffee in the heart of Vesterbro is the ideal place to taste it, accompanied by a large cup of homemade tea.


Bakery | confectionery | cafè / € / everywhere in Denmark

Even if I did not recommend this bakery, it would not be difficult to notice it when you pass in front of its window where are exposed in bellavista all sorts of cakes and bread. It is difficult to enter without wanting to take home a heavy loaf of rye. Ideally, you should come here for breakfast or a hot snack during the day, and enjoy a cinnamon roll accompanied by a hot macha latte. Even the little pastries are worth a try.


Restaurant | cocktail bar / €€€ / Kogens Nytorv, central Copenaghen

It may not be the Noma, or one of the other starred restaurants serving New Nordic cuisine, but it's definitely an excellent alternative for those who want to get closer to Danish gastronomic delights without spending a fortune. Prices are anything but low, but not disproportionate. You need to book to get a table, but a great alternative is to wait for a seat and settle in the counter that surrounds the kitchen, where the cooks will prepare the food right in front of you. You can try something as sought-after as fish with mushroom ravioli or something unusual and unexpected as lobster tartare.


Restaurant / €€ / Nørreport, central Copenaghen

Located in a secluded yet central neighborhood, you need to book to dine in this cozy restaurant that serves great casual food. The basic products are those typical of Nordic cuisine, and certainly are to recommend salmon and mushroom soup that will warm up your evening.


Restaurant | wine bar / €€ / Gråbrødretorv, central Copenaghen

This very cozy restaurant is located in one of the nicest squares in town. Go there for dinner and enjoy the illuminated square and the pebbles that reflect the light of the street lamps. It has a choice of Nordic dishes and a selection of tapas and small Mediterranean dishes. While the tapas didn't excite us, the main courses, such as chicken with roast sauce and baked turnips were excellent.


Cafè annex to the restaurant / €€ / Christiansavn

Between the canals of Christiansavn lies this modest café, almost hidden in a large and aged industrial building. We noticed it by chance, walking towards Nyhavn, and we discovered only later that it is the cafe and wine bar belonging to the restaurant with 1 Michelin Star named 108.

The coffee and sweets it serves are slightly overpriced compared to the city average, but are worth every extra penny spent on tasting creations that are anything but conventional. Would you ever have thought that an incredibly fragrant porcini mushroom brioche would go well with your morning cappuccino? Try it to believe.

This content is NOT SPONSORED, but based on my genuine personal experience. Spontaneous positive and negative opinions, shareable or not, that I hope will help to live better travel experiences. My advice is a guide to accompany you in your explorations, but the real journey is built by yourselves!

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